3 Court Hearings You Should Expect in Your Divorce Case

Posted on: 25 June 2019

If divorce is the only solution available, you need to know the procedures and practices involved in a divorce courtroom. Divorce is usually nerve-racking, especially if you don't know the different court appearances involved in this process and if you don't have a family lawyer to represent you.

Divorce proceedings involve several court appearances, which you must satisfy before you enter the final orders. Are you interested to know the court appearances you need to prepare for during divorce? Keep reading!

Temporary Orders Hearing

Temporary orders hearings are normal for most divorcing spouses, especially if they don't agree on some things. Some of the issues addressed during a temporary orders hearing include who takes which car, who takes over which parenting responsibilities, who occupies the home and who manages which financial issues, among other divorce-related things. None of these is easy to handle without the help of a family lawyer. The orders are temporary because the final orders will replace them at the end of your divorce case. A good family lawyer prepares well-reasoned, well-written and professional legal documents and submits them to the judge in good time before the hearing is done.

Review Hearing

Several review hearings will follow the temporary orders hearing to iron out the legal issues that require more attention from the family lawyer and judge. Different issues arise during divorce, and the judge has to evaluate them before they make any rulings. Your family lawyer will let the court know how you and your spouse feel about the temporary orders given and if there is any notable progress.

Additional Hearings

Additional court appearances or hearings are inevitable, especially if your spouse has gone against the orders the court issued during the initial hearing. Your family lawyer will apply for some additional hearings if the divorce circumstances have changed so that the temporary orders can be modified to accommodate your current situation. Property crises, risks posed to children and restraining orders are some of the emergencies that demand additional hearings. Here, your family lawyer will focus on the more specific issues to encourage the ruling you want.

Every hearing of your divorce proceedings will determine the outcome of your case. These hearings will appear daunting and tricky if you don't know the legal terms used in the courtroom. Any slight mistake you make during any of these hearings or appearances will affect the outcome in a big way. That's why you should leave your divorce case in the hands of a family lawyer.
